Menteri Siti Tekankan Pentingnya Pendekatan Sosial Pada Tantangan Pengelolaan Hutan Kedepan.

Tue, 04 October 2016

Bogor, Biro Humas Kementerian LHK, Selasa, 4 Oktober 2016. Bertindak sebagai Keynote Speech pada International and Multi-Disciplinary Scientific Conference “Forest Related Policy and Governance : Analyses in the Environmental Social Sciences”, Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (LHK), DR. Siti Nurbaya Bakar menegaskan bahwa betapa pentingnya pendekatan ilmu-ilmu sosial dalam penanganan berbagai isu dan tantangan pengelolaan hutan kedepannya, “The role of social sciences is more important when we look at the challenges for forest management at the global and regional level, includes : Firtsly, in Mitigating climate change. Forest management is closely related to land-based sector climate change. Indonesia's commitment is translated into NDC Indonesia, with emissions reductions of 29%, including 16% reduction from land based, land use changes and forest. Secondly, Sustaining livelihoods. Forests must be managed sustainably to improve the economy and to promote the equitable welfare, while it has to keep the balance between the economy and environment. Thirdly, Preserving ecological balance, biodiversity, and the existence of natural resources as a life support. Indonesia pursues this challenge of preservation through 15 watersheds, 50 National Parks, and other protected areas. Fourthly, Maintaining the quality of life to improve the environmental carrying capacity, water security and public health in the 15 watersheds and 280 districts/municipalities.”

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